duminică, 5 ianuarie 2014

Biogold cream Tian-de.ro

Biogold cream Tian-de.ro

Perhaps nothing causes so many heated debates on forums of cosmetologists, as the use of cosmetics products with gold. Skepticism about "golden" cosmetics is provoked by this relatively young innovation technology and a mere ignorance.

It may sound strange, but the idea to use gold instead of heavy metals as a conduit for other elements came from floriculture. In the U.S. and Japan since the 80 s biogold was successfully used for the production of fertilizers and plants treatment.

Less than 10 years ago, the largest laboratories in China , Korea, Thailand and Japan began to develop cosmetics with gold.

As a result, today almost every large company has a "golden" line of care products for skin and hair.

But the millennial tradition of using gold to preserve the beauty existed even before. The rulers of ancient Egypt , Greece, China and Rome used gold as  powder , accessories and even as whole masks.

Cleopatra, for example, was sleeping every night in a gold mask. Princesses in ancient China were massaging face daily with special golden brushes . The ancients knew that gold helps preserve the beauty , youth and freshness of the skin .

In modern Japan face masks of 24 - carat gold are very popular. The procedure lasts about half an hour. Tiny gold plates are applied to cleansed face and then distributed and massaged all over face . As a result, the skin color and turgor improves, fine little wrinkles disappear .

Critics argue that the gold is a water-insoluble material and that it can not affect the human body. However, when we have our ears pierced we try to wear  gold earrings because it helps to  heal wounds faster.

It is noted that the area of ​​skin on which gold was worn for a prolonged period of time is not susceptible to diseases . Pure gold is hypoallergenic, it helps well with the restoration of damaged skin.

Japanese chemists have shown that the electrical current charge of human body matches with a negative ion charge of gold. That is, at the level of ions it helps to restore hydrolytic balance of skin.

However let's not confuse the products based on gold with those from actual gold. There is a big difference between these concepts in cosmetology.

For the production of cosmetics, the chelated gold ( biogold ) is  used. It is produced from pure gold without impurities using complex chemical reactions.

Biogold or chelated gold is a nano-gold connected with various amino acids  and biologically active components in specific conditions.

Cosmetics with biogold have some distinctive features :

  • conduit for unique nutrients ( vitamins, minerals) and oxygen to the skin and hair , helping them to penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin and hair and perfectly assimilated ;
  •  increase the rate of cell division by stimulating the production of natural collagen and rejuvenate the skin ;
  •  nourish the skin with moisture and oxygen , activate cellular processes , increase blood circulation and lymph flow ;
  •  antiseptic , not subject to oxidation ;
  •  carry out heavy metals, positively charged ions , toxins and wastes .

Among our customers at www.tian-de.ro the well proven are the following creams based on biogold :




 Products with biogold are able to restore the beauty thanks to the special medical formula with biogold and a complex of active substances.

Gold ions enhance immunity , increase blood circulation , remove toxins and wastes.

The results of applying creams  with biogold  are "visible on face."

The skin becomes more supple, toned , little fine wrinkles disappear and deep facial become softer .

The professional cosmetologists as well as  women who ever experienced the power of cosmetics with biogold assure that today there is no alternative to it.

Obviously, effective anti-aging cosmetics cost a lot, but only biogold 100% ensures that the active elements will be delivered to the destination. So take the advantage and use the latest achievements of cosmetology and give your skin a truly royal "golden" care !

By E. Baldaeva,
Tiande Romania,

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